Monday, July 18, 2011

The Back Story

"The House" used to be the star in our imaginations. I lived near the house my entire life. It is actually built by my great great grandfather some time in the late 1800s. Dad always talked about it and us kids even joked about him buying it for a summer house some day. Later, when the hubby entered the picture we would drive by The House and dream about what we could do with it when we grew up. Of course we were just unrealistic kids then and never imagined what lie in our futures.

Fast forward several years and we were newly married, new homeowners with a baby on the way. We were slowly freshening our house preparing for our first child. One day there was a for sale sign up at The House, the house we never imagined being put on the market. The hubby immediately wanted to buy it, I thought he was insane since we had just bought a house. Just to satisfy our curiosity we went and looked at The House. That night we put an offer in on The House. Crazy I know. We got the keys when I was seven months pregnant and the Hubby started working on it right away.

For almost 3 years he continued remodeling on The House. In the mean time we had a baby, finished remodeling and sold our first house, moved into an apartment and got pregnant with our second baby. When we finally moved in in July 2010 we were exhausted. All the hard work is slowly starting to pay off as we make The House a home. It's still a work in progress, but slowly we are crossing things off the to do list.